Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Target audience (research)

To find out about my target audience I gave a questionnaire out to males and females around peterborough, aged between 15 and 25. The aim was to find out about what they wanted to have in a music video, and what made current music videos successful. The questionnaire is included below:

The first question concluded that most people thought a music video should last around 3 minutes. When interviewed they said that five minutes and over was too long to hold their attention as the video would get boring unless it was very good. Question two was not as clear cut with the target audience answering the band, song, actors, and overall message were equally important with no clear favourite. Again question three found no clear winner for what genre the most effective music video is; comedy, horror, just the band playing, etc all ranked as equally important as long as the video is flimed well, and captures the audiences attention and holds it. However, question four found that the linking of lyrics with the visuals in the music video are very important, which suggests that reinforcing the songs lyrics by showing it visully on a screen ehances the audiences capability to remember the song. Question five found that my target audience would consider watyching a music video of an unsigned band if it was the same genre as other music they liked, and interestingly question six found that a music video does not need to have the band in it to be successfull according to my questionnaire. Question seven found that faster songs with faster edits and cuts are more successful than slow ones, and when interviewed it was established because it kept the viewer alert and captured their attention. Question eight asked if the link between music and visuals was important in my target audiences opinion, and it was found that they were, again as they cause a link between audio and visual and make the audince remember the song more.Question nine asked which genre of music has the best music videos in my target audiences opinion. This had varying results with some saying grime as the beats are normally linked with the visuals in the video, pop because of the lead singer or band featuring predominantly in the video, indie as these were very creative and different, and R and B because of the actors/actress's used in them. Question ten found this vary in results was due to peoples favourite music videos being influenced by their favourite genre of music, therefore as long as I made a video that fit in with common trends of that genre my target audience would probably appreciate it

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