Tuesday, 7 September 2010


In this year my group, Adam Pickup, Tony Myers and me are going to be doing a music video as our project for A2 media we will also be making a CD cover for the music that we use and a webpage for the track. In this blog I will document the project and include the research and planning involved in the making of the projects.

We have already decided that we are going to do the music video over the other ideas available because we feel like we can do the most with this, it was also the most immediately interesting choice for us to do and we are looking forward to creating it using some of the ideas that we have already started thinking about.

Brief: A promotion packagefor the release of an album, to include a music promo video, together with two of the following options:
A website homepage for the band;
a cover for it's release as part of a digipack (CD/DVD package);
a magazine advertisement for the digipack (CD/DVD package).

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